property taxes

By Frank de Jong, 4 December, 2013

The Total Resource Rents of Australia report finds the complete removal of income, company and sales tax is possible by replacement with a tax on monopolies such as water trading, cyber squatting, taxi licenses and land.

ā€œEconomists have for hundreds of years pointed to a more efficient system by harnessing the naturally rising value of scarce resources as the tax base. Few reports have calculated if this is actually possibleā€ said report author Karl Fitzgerald.

- Press Release:ā€¦

By Frank de Jong, 26 February, 2012

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is calling on Germany to raise its property taxes dramatically and reduce taxes on labor. The group, whose membership is made up of 34 of the world's leading market economies, also made similar recommendations for Denmark, Norway, and the UK over the past month.